Gypsy’s new cannabis cafe concept & Eufloria featured on Tulsa news!

Cited from Fox 23 News – 

The business (Gypsy) is in the process of creating Tulsa’s first cannabis cafe, they say it is also one of the very first in the nation. The businesses said they plan to open the dispensary, Eufloria, alongside the cafe.

Customers will be able to come in, buy a cup of coffee or pastry, and then head over to the dispensary to infuse items with THC and CBD if they wish. Eufloria will be located in a separate room next to Gypsy where they will sell edibles, flower, and smoking accessories.

Eufloria is excited to have been featured recently on Fox 23’s evening news! Interviewers spoke with Eufloria’s former manager Alec about the exciting announcement of Tulsa’s (and possibly the region’s) first cannabis cafe experience!

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If you’re interested in this story, we encourage you to visit one of our locations. For media inquiries, please contact

The founders of Eufloria, are retail entrepreneurs and combat veterans. They understand the cannabis industry has changed. Consumers are demanding guidance and education on the products they buy as well as a safe, clean and friendly atmosphere to enjoy while making their purchase. We welcome everyone as part of our Eufloria Family!

After many months of research, hard work, and planning, the founders recognized that a revitalization of CBD, medical, and recreational dispensaries was needed. That’s why Eufloria created a new cannabis experience offering clients a safer, cleaner, more welcoming and education-based environment to shop; elevating the marketplace to match the sophistication of today’s cannabis consumer.